Emanuel Layr is pleased to present new works by Matthias Noggler, who employs diverse visual genres and styles to generate figurative and abstract compositions that represent current social conditions. Working...
Emanuel Layr is pleased to present new works by Matthias Noggler, who employs diverse visual genres and styles to generate figurative and abstract compositions that represent current social conditions. Working mainly with gouache and pencil on paper, he describes contemporary urban milieus and more intimate domestic settings. The depicted characters encounter each other, either in momentary affiliation or anonymous intimacy, or gathered at home lethargically, immersed within themselves. The pictorial language in these disparate scenes of alienated everyday life ranges from objective to expressive-surreal. Brief formulations of tense togetherness disintegrate back into a state of separation and contemplative confusion, offering an ambivalent view on the complex mechanisms of subjectivity and social self.