ALMA ZEVI is pleased to present Violet Dennison's Control (2020). Control is a woven, wall-hung piece that was made especially for this exhibition. The work is composed of a binary...
ALMA ZEVI is pleased to present Violet Dennison's Control (2020).
Control is a woven, wall-hung piece that was made especially for this exhibition. The work is composed of a binary knot system which is atranslation of an excerpt from the artist’s written memoir. Each works includes a cipher. The knots represent a binary system where the maker binds through, over, around and in-between. The cyclical pattern also points to the historical use of binding knots to keep records, count days, to evoke memories or reach spiritual awareness with artefacts likerosaries. Through the use of plastic, a material made to outlast most lifespans, the artist also points to the cyclical patterns we find in our own existence. Her identity finds itself manifested into a form that offers the chance of a different actualisation of the self, which is at the heart of this work.