


Editors at Washington Post. “Art Review: ‘Focus Group II: Paratexts’ at Von Ammon Co.

April, 2020



Burke, Harry. “Violet Dennison” Artforum International, July, 2019

Editors of Art Viewer. “Violet Dennison at Kunstverein Freiburg,” Art Viewer, July 20, 2019

Editors of Forbes. “Forbes 30 Under 30: Art & Style,” 2019.



Saltz, Jerry. “The New Museum’s ‘I am more woke than you’ Triennial” NY magazine, February, 2018

Hessler, Stefanie. “How it’s Made at Carl Kostyal, Stockholm” ArtReview. March, 2018

Davies, Ben & Goldstein, Caroline. “What is the Undercommons? 5 Big Ideals you need to know to Understand the New Museum Triennial”, Artnet, February, 2018

Editors of Artnews. “Rollercoast, Crumbling Walls, Seagrass: a few highlights from the New Museum Triennial”, ArtNews, February, 2018



Barshee, Tenzing, Interview “Casual Paranoia: Violet Dennison,” Mousse Magazine, September, 2017

Trommer, Vivien. “Violet Dennison”, Critics Pick ArtForum, January 2017



New York Times. Robin Pogrebin “It’s an Art Gallery. No, A Living Room. O.K., Both.”

July, 2016



International Sculpture Center Blog Ana Finel Honigman “Interview with Violet Dennison”, January, 2015



Critics Picks, Ana Finel Honigman “Violet Dennison and Peppi Bottrop” , December, 2014

New York Times, Holland Cotter, “To do as one would” July, 2014

Art Observed, “New York – ‘To do as one would’ at David Zwirner Through July 25th, 2014” Art Observed, July, 2014